Dear friends and colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 26th congress of the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery in Budapest in September 2025.
The ESSFN was founded fifty-five years ago with the mission to investigate the etiology and mechanisms of diseases of the nervous system, and to develop and teach functional and stereotactic neurosurgical treatment methods.
In half a century we built a large network in which currently more than 400 members from fifty-five countries participate. We gather during our fantastic biannual conferences to share our experience and learn from our colleagues. The successful last edition in Stockholm 2023 is still fresh in our minds.
Since then, the turmoil in the world has only increased further and many of our basic human values and needs are under threat continuously. As a scientific society, regardless of race, religion and politics, we demonstrate that achievements only come about when we let international understanding and alliance prevail, to the benefit of our patients.
For the upcoming 26th ESSFN conference we return to the hometown of one of the fourteen founding fathers of the ESSFN, the beautiful city of Budapest. Save the dates! Let us all meet there in September 2025 to celebrate our friendship and foster ongoing and future collaboration.
Rick Schuurman
President of the ESSFN